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2017年8月6日 星期日

Toastmasters 台灣區2017 Fall Conference 議程搶先看

中華民國演講協會 2017 秋季大會訂於11/25-11/26兩天在張榮發基金會(台北市中正區中山南路11號)舉行,本次大會以國、台、英、日語四種語言的幽默演講及講評比賽為主軸,還邀請到國際級的講師 Ed Tate 來台分享贏得世界比賽冠軍的經驗與做教育訓練,並且也請到國內重量級講師王玉梅、方瑞源、林惠君、陳麗紅、Anson Sat、Josh Myers、Paul Sharpe等為大家做教育訓練,11/25還有晚宴節目與頒獎典禮。初步的議程如下:

2017 Fall Conference will be held by Toastmasters District 67, at  Chang Yung-Fa Foundation (No. 11 Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei) on Nov. 25 and Nov. 26.  As usual, the Fall Conference features humorous speech and evaluation contests in four languages (Mandarin, Taiwanese, English & Japanese).  We especially invited Ed Tate as our keynote speaker.  Mr. Tate is the year 2000 World Champion of Public Speaking, and an award winning international keynote speaker, trainer, author, executive and motivational movie star.  He will share his experiences and give an educational workshop.  Besides, we're honored to have the heavyweights, 王玉梅, 方瑞源, 林惠君, 陳麗紅, Anson Sat, Josh Myers and Paul Sharpe as trainers. A dinner party and award presentation ceremony will be held in the evening on Nov. 25.  Following is the tentative agenda of 2017 Fall Conference.

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