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2017年8月17日 星期四

Hello, Italy! A Snapshot of YZU Toastmasters Meeting (2017-07-22)

YZU Toastmasters在7/22以Hello, Italy為主題,一起渡過了一個歡樂的週末午后。總主持人(Toastmasters of the Day) Rojer Chen 剛剛從義大利旅遊回來,他不但講述他的義大利旅遊經驗,還請許多會員分享自己的旅遊樂趣。Membership Vice President, Mandy Chen, 把這場例會記錄如下:

After our elegant President, Jennifer, kicked off the meeting with a short introduction of fashion, we "departed" to the country of fashion and art. Where were we, Florence, Rome, Vatican? Rojer's backpacking experience led us to visit Italy and he showed us his wonderful, amazing photos. Grazie! With Rojer's special opening, we could fully imagine that we had the cappuccino in hands, and classic paintings and gorgeous buildings in front of us.
To earn more travel money, we had to win Bryant’s Variety Session “The millionaire.” The secrets to answer the questions and win the game were luck, luck, and knowledge. 

In the prepared speech session, we're fortunate to have three talented speakers--Hecate, Jennifer, and Vivy.  They brought us special occasions and life wisdom.
Speaking of Hecate’s touching Toastmasters story, she definitely deserved the award, “The Best Gardener of YZU.” As mentioned in her speech, she was sincere with every member. As her evaluator, Sandy, said, Hecate used elegant words and her content was well organized.
Jennifer’s speech was full of life wisdom. We caught her main point that everything is no problem if someone cares about your problems.
Vivy’s speech is a special surprise. Her speech objective was ROAST, and she totally caught our attraction by fusing drama into her fluent description. Her evaluator Frank gave YZU lots of support. From his evaluation, we could learn Vivy’s speech skills even more.
Raymond did a good evaluation although it was the second time he evaluated a speech. We believe Raymond can perform well in the evaluation contest on September 9.
We had three guests in this meeting: Chestor, Claens, and Selena. The Table Topic Master, Douglas, controlled the session time well. He invited the three guests to talk.  All of them spoke on stage for more than two minutes, sharing their special traveling experiences. Chestor had been to lots of countries; Claens was from Haiti and he won the Best Table Topic Speaker; Selena shared her terrible driving experience abroad. Everyone was so AMAZING!
We're happy to see Ivy this time. As the General Evaluator, she showed her confidence on stage as usual. And she found everyone’s strength in his or her performance.

元智分會YZU Toastmasters Club的例會時間是每個月第二與第四週的星期六下午2:00~4:30。有興趣參加者請點選=>與該分會聯絡

以下是Rojer Chen為例會拍下的美好片刻:

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