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2017年8月17日 星期四


2017-2018 Toastmasters Speech Contest Rulebook (演講比賽規則手冊)已經出爐,敬請參賽者、裁判與舉辦的行政人員下載並詳讀。
Here comes the 2017-2018 Speech Contest Rulebook.  All the contestants, judges, and administrators need to read it carefully.  Please download it from the following sites:

英文版(English Version)下載網址:

中文版(Chinese Version)下載網址:

比賽規則更改部分的解釋 抱歉目前沒中文)

總會課程品質執行長Simone Nash對於新的Contest Rulebook做了重點摘要與說明,請各分會參考:

To ensure effective and correct contest procedures, I would like to provide a few basic and important items from the 2017-2018 Speech Contest Rulebook for members to learn and to follow.
為使比賽更有效且正確的進行,本人茲提供"2017-2018國 際演講會比賽規則"的部分基本重要條文知會會員們, 並期共同遵守之。

1) Areas with 4 or fewer clubs in good standing can send 2 contestants from each club to their Area Contest.  Areas with 5 or more clubs in good standing can only send 1 contestant from each club to their Area Contest. --- based on Page 8 Item B of the 2017-2018 Speech Contest Rulebook.
若分區內的有效分會數目為四或更少, 則該分區內的各分會可有兩名參賽者參加區賽的各種比賽。 若分區內的有效分會數目為五或更多, 則該分區內的各分會只能各派一名參賽者參加該區賽的各種比賽。- - 根據附件第 7 & 8  B 之規定。

2) During the Evaluation Contest, Contestants may not use digital or other devices during the contest to gain an unfair advantage. --- from Pages 16 Item 2C of the 2017-2018 Speech Contest Rulebook.  
在講評比賽和即席問答比賽時, 參賽者不可利用數位設備或其他方法來獲取非公平之利益。--根據 附件第 15  2 C 之規定。
Contestants who choose to make preparatory notes during the test speech must use the Evaluation Contestant Notes sheet. – from Page 14 Item 1B of the 2017-2018 Speech Contest Rulebook.                   
參賽者如果決定在測試講者發表演講期間,利用筆記準備講評,則必 須使用 Evaluation Contestant Notes Sheet下載講評比賽參賽者筆記,目前僅有英文版) (編號 1177--根據附件第 15  1B 之規定。

3) Each club in good standing is permitted to choose its contestant for each area speech contest by whatever means the club desires. If a contest is held, it must comply with the rules in this manual, and the contest result is final. -- from Page 7 Item 3A of the 2017-2018 Speech Contest Rulebook.
繳費紀錄良好的分會,均可依照該分會希望的方式 遴選參賽者來代表參加所屬區舉辦的演講比賽。若舉辦比賽, 必須遵守本手冊 中的規則,同時不得更改比賽結果-- 根據附件第7 3 遴選程序 A項。

4) Who are eligible to join contests --  from Page 5 & 6  Eligibility Item A. (Below sentences are in abbreviated form.  Please refer to the original sentences in the Rulebook too.)
誰有參賽資格 -- 根據附件第5 & 6頁資格性A項(以下是以較簡單方式敘述,原文請見附件)

1. A member in good standing (which means the member is a paid/active member) at any moment of joining any contests at club level and above. 
在參加任一階段的比賽時皆是有效會員(有繳會費到世界總會), 包括: 會內賽,和以上等級所有的比賽。

2. The club that the member belongs to must be in good standing (which means the club is an active club with at least 8 paid members). 
參賽者代表的分會是有效分會(即: 該分會至少有8位有效會員繳費至世界總會)。

3. Maintain eligibility at all levels of any contest.  If at any level it is determined that a contestant was ineligible to compete at any previous level, the contestant must be disqualified.  This disqualification must occur even if the ineligibility is discovered at a later level and has been corrected.                                             
參賽者的參賽資格性必須從一開始參加任何階段的比賽就符合規定。 若確實證明某參賽者在之前的比賽資格不符規定, 該參賽者將被取消參加更高階比賽的資格。此取消資格必須執行, 即使其資格不符是在之後更高階比賽才被發現, 或即使當初資格不符的事實已經事後補正。

4. Who are ineligible to join contests -- from Page 6, Item 4 a) d) f) g) in the 2017-2018 Speech Contest Rulebook. 誰沒參賽資格 -- 根據附件第6頁,第4 a) b) d) f) 規定。
a) A member serving as a chief judge, judge, tie-breaking judge beyond club level for a contest in which the member is still competing or intends to compete.  ("beyond club level" means Area Contests and above levels, not including Club Contests.)                                                                                          
某一會員若在會內賽以上的比賽中(即:區賽、部賽、準決賽、 全國賽...),擔任某項比賽的裁判長、裁判、或同分裁判, 而該種比賽的種類是該會員仍在參賽中或正有意參賽的。** 解釋若某會員擔任了某種區賽(或部賽、準決賽、全國賽)的裁判, 則該會員失去參加該種比賽的繼續參賽資格。
d) District officers – including District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, Administration Manager, Finance Manager, PR Manager, Division Directors, Area Directors.                    
總會幹部們包含:總會長、總會課程品質執行長、總會分會成長執行長、 總會行政長、總會財務長、總會公關長、部執行長、區執行長
f) Immediate Past District Director 前任地區總會長

5) To be a chief judge, judge, tie-breaking judge at a Toastmasters speech contest, you must meet all eligibility requirements identified below:
擔任演講會各項演講比賽裁判長、裁判、同分裁判, 必須符合以下的各項資格要求。
a. At a club contest, be a member in good standing. 在會內賽時,必須是有繳交會費(給世界總會 )的有效會員。
b. At an area, division, or district contest  在區賽、部賽、全國賽時。                                                                                  
i) Be a member in good standing for a minimum of 6 months.
ii) Have completed a minimum of 6 speeches (C6) in CC Manual.                                                                                      
至少已完成中級溝通手冊 (CC) 的第六講 (C6)

6) All other contest officials and the Evaluation contest test speaker must be paid members.                                            

Above are extracted partially from the 2017-2018 Speech Contest Rulebook. As for other contest rules which are not listed above, please refer to the rulebook file. 
以上為部分摘錄於"2017-2018演講比賽規則"。 其他未於上方列出的相關比賽規則請參考下載的手冊。

If you have any questions about contest rules, please feel free to ask or post your questions on the Facebook Group ‘D67 溝通系統有問必答處 Communication System Q&A Discussion - D67 Toastmasters.
若有其他問題,歡迎來問我.  或善用臉書提問以達拋磚引玉效果: 

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