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2017年12月6日 星期三

Albert Wu's Farewell Speech (Legend Toastmasters Club)

Albert Wu 小檔案:

Albert Wu 於2016-2017期間擔任傳說進階分會(Legend Advanced Club)的會長,目前他是Div. E Area 3 Director,在Toastmasters 的生涯已邁入第十七年。當初他加入Toastmasters時,還是中央大學三年級的學生,他在英語演講會學習的熱忱與豐富的歷程,同時也伴隨著 Div. E 許多分會的成長。當年他曾在中壢分會的一次例會時,向他的女友Eunice Shen告白求婚 (Eunice現在已是 Albert 之妻),如今他是擁有兩個漂亮女兒的幸福爸爸。Albert自幼學小提琴,現在仍保有這個興趣,他用音樂自愉愉人,並且在音樂中放鬆心情。

以下是Albert 告別傳說進階分會會長職務的感性演說,有空請到傳說進階分會和Albert Wu聊聊,他會告訴你更多Toastmasters的趣事。

I don't have a name and in here Toastmaster is my name.
16 years ago, I was a college boy who carried a basketball and unexpectedly ran into a meeting room called ChungLi Toastmaster. Sixteen consecutive years of being a Toastmaster, I'm still learning how to be a successful one, to talk with people, to work with people, to communicate with people, even to inspire people to become better persons of themselves. So Thank you, Toastmasters. I've taken so much from you and if there's even 1% of my life that can be remembered as Toastmasters. I truly feel grateful for that.
I don't need a name. Legend gives me the name.
YZU Club was chartered 14 years ago, and in the year of 2004, the elite leadership of YZU Club called for a further step to organize the first advanced club in Taoyuan Area. Those (chartered) members included Josh, Hecate, and Jack Tsai. Especially, here Josh, could you please stand up and accept our appreciation? Without this "Grandpa", your grandchildren won't be sitting here and listening to my speech today. Thank you, Josh !! With your continuous support year after year, we still have our name proudly as Legend Toastmasters. I don't choose my name. My name has been chosen by each of you. Thank you for choosing me as your President and gave me this wonderful chance to serve this club. It's never easy, in the past year, as we were confronted with difficulties in maintaining membership and meeting quality. But it's always joyful when together we've created lots of good memories, hosting the Division E Contest, book exchange session, different theme meetings, internal training, etc. Though I didn't succeed in bringing more than 20 members to join legend, we've learned, worked together and had fun.
Luckily now we are looking at the future of Legend Toastmasters. A special thank to new President Sandy and your team; thank you for your unselfishness and willingness to serve and to lead us in the year to come. With a brand new idea of meeting format, I believe our idea and passion will continue to spread. Let's have the legend continue.
Now if you ask me what's the most important thing after all these years, I really hope it will be a journey that never ends. Toastmasters allows me to have the privilege and ability to exploit my crazy creativity & goodwill to help people. Then I can see smiles on all of your faces. Let's play, have fun and enjoy being Toastmasters.
I don't have a name. I'm your good friend.
My name is Albert Wu. 2017/7/2

傳說進階分會例會時間:每個月第一個星期日 10:00AM-12:00AM例會地點:桃園市平鎮區忠孝咯2號3樓Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/144538165790/

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