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2017年7月30日 星期日

Toastmasters 常見問題與回覆

Q1: 請問參加Toastmasters的年費是多少? (What is the annual membership fee if I join Toastmasters?)

A1: E部各分會的年費略有不同,但相差不大。每分會收取年費是按世界總會的會費每年90美金,無會籍的新會員另加收20美金,再加上分會的行政費用(影印、文具等支出)。詳細年費的數字請洽詢各分會。(Clubs in Division E charge slightly different membership fees. Overall, the membership fee consists of US$90, which will be submitted to Toastmasters Headquarters, plus an administration fee of the club. If you are new to Toastmasters, you will need to pay an additional US$20 for your new membership kits.)

Q2: 何謂雙重會籍? (What is a dual member?)
A2: 如果你正式加入一個以上的分會,並繳交該分會全額的會費,因而取得不只一個分會的會籍,就會取得雙重會籍的資格。If you join more than one club and pay each club the full membership fee, you'll become a dual member.
Q3: 我只有一個會籍,我可以參與其他分會meeting,接任會議角色嗎? (If I belong with only one club, may I participate in the meeting and take a meeting role in any other clubs?)
A3: 可以。Toastmasters International是一個世界性的非營利組織,全世界15400個分會的meetings 都歡迎會員主動參與。分區的活動也是。(Yes, you can participate in the meeting and take a meeting role in any other clubs. Toastmasters is an international, non-profit organization. Please take this chance to visit other clubs at home and abroad.)

Q4: 分會對guest (無會籍的參觀者或其他分會會員) 是否可酌收費用? (Would the club charge guests or Toastmasters members from the other clubs any fee?)
A4: 無會籍的參觀者或其他分會會員無須付費就可以拜訪分會,然而有些分會可能會收取一點場地費。(One can attend Toastmasters meetings everywhere at no charge as a guest. However, each club may charge a little bit venue fee if you come in as a guest or Toastmasters members from the other clubs.)


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