Our social:

2017年7月22日 星期六


Toastmasters Division E 2017-2018年的第一次幹部訓練在元智大學隆重登場,由Legend 與 LongTan兩分會共同合辦,於7/5圓滿結束,這次的訓練不僅幫助本屆各分會幹部對總會的運作與分會的目標有更明確的了解,也使各分會之間相互認識,往後可以彼此支援活動。

Area E3 Director, Albert Wu, 寫了以下的感謝函給本屆的各分會幹部:

Dear New leaders of Division E,
I would like to thank you all for your participation in the 1st officer training
of Division E 2017-2018. Together we had a wonderful Saturday afternoon
and enjoyed a variety of training programs. Especially when we are standing
together taking group photos and making this event completed, I'm always
certain that

 " Toastmasters is also the place where friendships are made "

A lot of harvests ...
I believe you have spelled the word "TEAMWORK" correctly when you really
devoted to the team-building game and tried your every effort to work
 efficiently as a team; I also believed now you have learned how to use this
word TEAMWORK " wisely after hearing all five valuable & practical training
 sessions; I do believe now you know how to use the word "TEAMWORK "
as a verb when you really discussed & exchanged your ideas during the
 discussion and when organizing your creative club group-photos. All these
harvests convert into the success of this training event, I want you to know

" Your harvest is our best reward. "
Special thanks to...
For all the trainers from District 67: Director Trini Ding, Simone Nash and
Tension Wu, merely your presence today is the strongest supports &
encouragements to Division E; Demo Speaker Emily Liu, Division E
Director Frank and Div E. Assistant Director Kevin Lin and for all those
who helped us took the charge of each officers' group discussions: You
have successfully helped us shape the future as a great speaker,
an efficient leader and the dedicated officers in Toastmasters organizations.
Thank you!  All the trainers!  We have been inspired by you !!
Thank you!All new club presidents!Just love your club reports!!

Lastly, I like to thank my amazing partners & best teammates:
Div. E Director Frank, Area E1 Director Richard, Training Coordinator Jerry,
 Best host ever Eva, President Sandy, Most responsible helpers: Hecate,
 Ian, Michael, Edwin, Randy, Janine, Zen, Joanne, Bernie, Roger, Owen, and
 Alan . It's been the greatest experiences to work with you. Together I believe
we've exhibited the best teamwork efficiency and we've marked it as the most unforgettable memory in our Toastmaster lives. Thank you !!

Sincerely ,
 your good friend
                    Albert Wu


感謝龍潭分會Joanne Yang 製作美麗的宣傳海報

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