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2017年7月21日 星期五

認識Toastmasters新教育系統--Pathways Learning

Toastmasters 的全新教育系統 Pathways Learning 即將上路,你準備好迎接新的學習的方式了嗎?擔任 Pathways Ambassador 的 Emily Chan 陸續在 Div. E 舉辦 8 場說明會,請各分會會員在以上說明會地點擇近處參加。別忘了請點選 Pathways Learning 登記參加!

The brand new education program of Toastmasters International, Pathways Learning, is on the way.  Are you ready to embrace the new way of learning? Emily Chan, the Pathways Ambassador, is going to conduct 8 workshops to provide the updates and explain the new program.  Please attend the workshop nearest you so that you'll understand how the new program can benefit you.  Click Pathways Learning for registration right away!

Pathways Ambassador - Emily Chan

Pathways Learning 簡介:

透過Toastmasters 的全新教育課程Pathways Learning,您可延伸個人與專業發展,Pathways Learning是您在Toastmasters學習的基石,協助您建立溝通與領導能力。它的好處有:

  1. 學習歷程針對個人與專業的需求客製化
  2. 建立許多技能可因應變動中的國際社會
  3. 較早且較快取得教育榮銜
  4. 運用新科技來提升演講能力並支援例會的角色
  5. 教材可直接由線上取得
  6. 增列視訊教材以供學習

Pathways Learning Experience:

Continue your journey of personal and professional development through Pathways, Toastmasters’ new education program! As the foundation of your Toastmasters experience, Pathways is designed to help you build the competencies you need to communicate and lead.

  1. A learning experience tailored to your personal and professional goals 
  2. The opportunity to develop many skills relevant to an evolving global marketplace 
  3. Recognition of educational achievements that will come earlier and more frequently 
  4. New technological resources to improve speeches and support meeting roles  
  5. Online access to educational materials 
  6. Videos that model the skills you are learning

What is Pathways? (什麼是Pathways)

Why is Pathways valuable to you? (為何Pathways對你有價值)

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