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2017年7月22日 星期六

漢聲電台訪問E部執行長Frank Chen與總會公關長Justin Wu

七月初 E 部執行長 Frank Chen 與總會公關長 Justin Wu 接受漢聲電台主持人 Paul H. Chao 的專訪,在50分鐘的訪問中,Frank介紹了Toastmasters是國際性的學習組織,是培養具有溝通能力的領袖搖籃,會員對象是English speakers and English learners,有興趣 public speaking 者皆可參加,會員在互助與友善的例會中學習溝通與領導技巧。

主持人Paul提問:Toastmasters是否只培養有志成為領導者的人士,Frank 回答領導者的定義可以是廣義的,除了在工作或組織中領導他人,也可以是自我的領導者,例如有些人希望改變自己的人生或是尋求自我突破,就是自我的領導者。Paul還問 Toastmasters 會有哪些活動,總會公關長 Justin Wu 的回答包括 Fall & Spring Conferences、 speech contests、workshops、year-end party等等。

主持人Paul最後請兩位受訪者舉出 Toastmasters 培育出領導者的例子,Frank 則以自身為例,他自從進入 Toastmasters 學習成長之後,不但英語溝通及領導能力大增,受到公司器重與拔擢成管理階層,在 Toastmasters 組織中也是一路晉升到 E 部執行長。Justin則是舉了一位會員的例子,從一開始是個羞澀不敢在公眾開口的女孩,經過在 Toastmasters 兩、三年的學習,已經能很自在的在公司用英文做簡報。

以下是50分鐘的完整訪問錄音檔,請大家聽聽看 Frank 和 Justin 如何介紹 Toastmasters。

In early July, Frank Chen and Justin Wu were interviewed by Paul H. Chao at Voice of Han Broadcasting Network, whose programs are intended for English speakers and learners. Frank is the Div. E Director and Justin Wu is the Public Relations Manager of Toastmasters Taiwan.  In the 50-min in-depth interview, Frank and Justin introduced Toastmasters to the audience.  Frank said Toastmasters is an international, non-profit organization which aims at cultivating leaders with good communication skills.  Those who are interested in public speaking are encouraged to join Toastmasters.  Toastmasters provides a supportive and positive environment for members to learn and grow.

Paul was wondering if Toastmasters only nurtures the ones who want to be leaders.  Frank said "leaders" in a broader sense can be leaders of ourselves.  Those who would like to change life or step out of their comfort zones are considered as leaders of themselves.  When Paul asked about the events of Toastmasters, Justin talked a lot about Fall & Spring Conferences, speech contests, workshops, year-end parties, etc.

At the end of the program, Paul asked Frank and Justin to give examples of leaders who were made by Toastmasters.  Frank took himself as an example.  He said his English communications and leadership skills had been significantly improved since he joined Toastmasters, so he was promoted by his company.  Besides, he is happy to take the leadership role of being Div. E Director in Toastmasters.  Justin mentioned a female member conquered her fear and shyness in public speaking after two to three years of learning in Toastmasters.  Now she can make a good English presentation with confidence at her company.

The 50-min interview is included as follows.  Listen to it and see how Frank and Justin promoted Toastmasters.

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